Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wordpress Blog Hosting

Web hosting is terminology that is difficult for people, especially when they are beginning to create their web site. They have terms mentioned like domain names, web site hosting, web design and graphic design. Shared web hosting when you understand the concept is pretty easy to understand. In short, web domain hosting is a place to hold your PHP files and images. In the case of wordpress hosting, you need to be using a server (either windows or linux) that will support the PHP programming language as well as have the capability to use a mySQL database. This is the standard config almost everyone uses with wordpress blogs and their hosting.

Those venturing into an affordable wordpress blog hosting solution will want to understand the different features included with most shared hosting plans, such as hosting disk space, bandwidth, number of databases provided and types of languages supported. Shared hosting will be commonly used until your blog explodes, and you need to upgrade to a virtual private server or dedicated server.

Disk Space

Disk Space is indicative of the title, and is similar to the disk space you have on your own PC. It indicates the size in MB available to the webmaster to host your ASP files and images you have for your website. Multimedia, such as videos will use more of your hosting space, while your web source files will use less of the space. The requirement for the disk space you should look into buying depends mainly on the file types you are hosting, and the overall file size of your web site.

Hosting Bandwidth

Transfer amount for web hosting is very similar to the bandwidth you use when connecting to the internet. Every time a file is viewed from your site, it adds to your total for bandwidth used for your site. Bandwidth will generally range in plans, and you will need to select the bandwidth amount you will use based on how much traffic your site receives and the total disk space your site uses.

Hosting Server Configuration

The last topic to cover here is the different hosting server configurations available. The type of server will limit the file types, like JSP, that will run on your hosting server. All hosting servers will run HTML, CSS and JavaScript, since they are handled by web browsers, like FireFox. One point to highlight is Linux hosting is usually a lower cost choice and Linux server hosting with Apache supports PHP. Windows server hosting runs with Internet Information Services and is most commonly used for Active Server Pages (ASP) files. Linux is more commonly picked as most open source projects like Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal run off PHP and mySql.

Take all these factors into account when purchasing your next wordpress hosting package.

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